Project Overview
This is a Key Action 2 project for activities which are part of a Strategic Partnership for Youth Programmes. This will use a capacity building model and consists of 3 interactive units that is supported by Activity Workbooks. There is also a comprehensive set of resources including workbooks, a distance travelled tool for personal reflection and case study documentation to allow the coach/trainer to embed enterprising activities within existing training plans.
Evaluation of the impact of the programme is made possible by the use of the Professional Reflection tool which highlights the change in knowledge, skills and attitude of practitioners following their participation in the professional learning programme.
Proposed Programme
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship: Community and Sport Youth Leaders Award:-
Unit 1– Developing Entrepreneurial Skills,
Unit 2 – Starting A Business,
Unit 3 – The Change Challenge
Supporting Resources
Arrangements Document
Assessment Sampler Answerss
Enterprising Sports/Community Coach – Activity Workbook
Sports/Community Coach Resources Pack
Professional Reflection Tool – Distance Travelled Tool
24 Powerpoint Presentations
24 Training Vidoes
Spanish and English Translations
Conference Video
Related Links
Unit 1
Developing Entrepreneurial Skills
This first module introduces the Sports/Community Coach to the wider context of enterprise in the environment they work in and identifies the key stakeholders who can help them.
Unit 2
Starting A Business
This unit looks at a variety of different approaches coaches/trainers can use to support embedding enterprise/entrepreneurship in their learning programmes.
Unit 3
The Change Challenge
This unit highlights how the skills associated with self-employment and entrepreneurship are very useful for all young people no matter what path they decide to take in their career. The unit busts the myths around entrepreneurship and focuses on engaging the practitioner on how to inspire an entrepreneurial future within a youth setting
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